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Friday, June 10, 2011


Menelusuri Jejak Rumah Kelahiran Bung Karno

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Hampir semua rumah peninggalan Belanda di kawasan Jalan Pandean, Surabaya masih asli. Antara satu rumah dan rumah lainnya nyaris tak ada berbeda, bentuk, model, dan coraknya bergaya kolonial. Sejak dulu, tidak ada yang spesial di kampung itu. Namun akhir - akhir ini, warga dikejutkan dengan penelitian yang menggemparkan.

Tidak hanya bagi warga setempat, masyarakat Indonesia pun dibuat tercengang dengan penemuan bahwa rumah kelahiran Soekarno, Presiden pertama RI yang juga Sang Proklamator, berada di sebuah gang sempit yang berukuran tidak lebih dari tiga meter di Kota Pahlawan, Surabaya. Bukan di Blitar sebagaimana yang diketahui masyarakat Indonesia selama ini.

Bung Karno dilahirkan di Surabaya, tepatnya di sebuah rumah kontrakan Jalan Lawang Seketeng, sekarang berubah menjadi Jalan Pandean IV/40. Ayahnya Raden Soekemi seorang guru sekolah rakyat dan ibunya Ida Ayu Rai seorang perempuan bangsawan Bali.

"Setelah kami lakukan penelitian dan melalui kajian cukup lama, ternyata rumah kelahiran Soekarno bukan di Blitar, melainkan di Surabaya," ujar Ketua Umum "Soekarno Institute", Peter A Rohi.

Ukuran bangunan rumah itu 6x14 meter. Terdiri dari satu ruang tamu, satu ruang tengah yang biasa ditempati keluarga bersantai, dan dua kamar. Di belakang ada dapur yang terdapat juga sebuah tangga kayu untuk naik ke lantai dua. Di lantai atas tersebut, hanya digunakan untuk menjemur pakaian.

"Dari dulu, ya seperti ini. Kami tidak mengubahnya, atau merenovasi," ujar Siti Djamilah, pemilik rumah saat ini.

Ia mengaku menempati bangunan itu sejak 1990. Ketika itu, ia ikut kedua orangtuanya. Kakak Djamilah dan suaminya, H. Zaenal Arifin juga menetap rumah itu.

Kemudian, 1998 Djamilah menikahi Choiri. Setelah kedua orang tua Djamilah meninggal, mereka hanya tinggal berempat. "Kami tidak menyangka bahwa rumah ini adalah tempat kelahiran Bung Karno. Sebuah kebanggaan dan anugerah karena kami tinggal di rumah tokoh kelas dunia. Tidak hanya presiden, tapi seorang yang patut menjadi teladan bangsa Indonesia," tutur Choiri, suami Djamilah.

"Kami sudah melalui kajian dan penelitian panjang sejak masa reformasi. Bahkan penelitian juga kami lakukan di Belanda. Buku-buku sejarah masa lalu juga membuktikan bahwa di Surabaya inilah Bung Karno dilahirkan. Syukurlah sekarang bisa diresmikan," ujar Peter A. Rohi.

"Di Jakarta ada prasasti Barack Obama, padahal dia Presiden Amerika Serikat. Masak Presiden Indonesia tidak ada prasastinya? Kami memasangnya di rumah kelahiran Soekarno," katanya, menambahkan.

Pasang Prasasti
Dijelaskan Peter, pemasangan prasasti digelar 6 Juni 2011 karena disamakan dengan tanggal kelahiran Soekarno, yakni 6 Juni 1901. Peter menyayangkan sikap pemerintah yang menyatakan bahwa Soekarno lahir di Blitar. Padahal, kata dia, berbagai buku-buku sejarah dan arsip nasional ditegaskan bahwa Soekarno dilahirkan di Surabaya.

Ia berani menunjukkan puluhan koleksi buku sejarah yang menuliskan kelahiran Soekarno. Di antaranya, buku berjudul "Soekarno Bapak Indonesia Merdeka" karya Bob Hering, "Ayah Bunda Bung Karno" karya Nurinwa Ki S. Hendrowinoto tahun 2002, "Kamus Politik" karangan Adinda dan Usman Burhan tahun 1950.

Lainnya, "Ensiklopedia Indonesia" tahun 1955, "Ensiklopedia Indonesia" tahun 1985, dan "Im Yang Tjoe" tahun 1933 yang sudah ditulis kembali oleh Peter A Rohi dengan judul "Soekarno Sebagi Manoesia" pada tahun 2008.

"Bahkan mantan Kepala Perpustakaan Blitar sudah mengakui bahwa Soekarno tidak dilahirkan di Blitar, melainkan di Surabaya," tuturnya. Pihaknya berharap, ke depan masyarakat Indonesia lebih mengetahui dan mengakui bahwa kota kelahiran Soekarno yang selama ini dikenal adalah keliru.
"Dulu pascatragedi G30S/PKI, semua buku sejarah ditarik dan diganti di Pusat Sejarah ABRI pimpinan Nugroho Notosusanto. Tapi saya heran, kenapa ada pergantian kota kelahiran Soekarno? Semoga pemerintah ke depan sudah mengakui bahwa lahirnya presiden pertama Indonesia ada di Surabaya," papar Peter.

Walikota Surabaya Tri Rismaharini juga mengaku sangat yakin bahwa Bung Karno bukan dilahirkan di Blitar. Pihaknya juga telah mengirim surat ke Pemerintah Pusat untuk meluruskan persoalan ini dan optimistis pemerintah mengakuinya.

"Kami masih menunggu respon dari Pemerintah Pusat. Tapi tahun 2010, walikota Surabaya saat itu, Bambang DH, sudah menandatangani prasasti sekaligus mengirimkan surat ke pemerintah pusat," tutur Tri Rismaharini.

Jadi Museum
Menurut Risma, pihaknya sudah menemui keluarga pemilik rumah, Choiri, agar bersedia menjualnya dan akan dijadikan museum atau tempat cagar budaya.

"Saya sudah memberikan tugas kepada Dinas Pariwisata Kota Surabaya untuk negosiasi harga dengan pemilik rumah. Nantinya rumah kelahiran Bung Karno akan dijadikan museum dan untuk kawasan sejarah," ujar Tri Rismaharini ketika ditemui di sela pemasangan prasasti dan peresmian rumah kelahiran Bung Karno, Senin (6/6).

Sayang, orang nomor satu di Surabaya tersebut enggan menyebutkan anggaran yang dikeluarkan. "Harga masih negosiasi. Saya sudah minta ke Bu Wiwik (Kepala Dinas Pariwisata) untuk mengalokasikan dana dari Perubahan Anggaran Keuangan (PAK) Kota Surabaya. Lebih bagus lagi kalau masih ada barang-barang aslinya, agar bisa menceritakan ke anak-anak bahwa di Surabaya Bapak Proklamator dilahirkan," tutur Risma.

Sementara itu, keluarga Bung Karno, Prof. Haryono Sigit, mengakui bahwa orangtua Bung Karno pernah tinggal di rumah itu. Ia juga menyerahkan sepenuhnya kepada Pemerintah Kota Surabaya untuk mengelola rumah tersebut. "Mau diapakan rumah itu, bukan wewenang saya. Saya serahkan ke Pemkot," tukas mantan Rektor ITS Surabaya tersebut.

Direktur Utama Surabaya Herritage, Freddy H Istanto mengatakan, jika nantinya rumah kelahiran Soekarno dijadikan museum maka yang harus diperhatikan adalah sistem pengelolaannya.

Choiri, selaku pemilik rumah mengatakan, secara prinsip pihaknya tidak mempermasalahkan dan siap menjual rumahnya ke Pemkot Surabaya. Terkait harga, ia mengaku masih melakukan negosiasi untuk menentukan harga yang pas. "Tapi kami masih banyak saudara kok di Surabaya, sambil mencari rumah, kami mungkin tinggal di rumah saudara dulu," timpal Djamilah.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


AeroFarms has developed a proven system of advanced aeroponics to grow plants without soil or sun, all year long and in any location. System of vertically stackable and very suitable for warehouse-type building long or empty, abundant in urban areas. Lighting system has a 24 / 7 that controls, temperature and humidity, accelerating the growth cycle of 35-70 days to 18-21 days. While aeroponic technology is the core of the system, the development of media ownership grows, lighting and mechanical design of all integral in making the system superior AeroFarms.

Metode Aeroponik

Aeroponics is the kind of cutting-edge technology of hydroponics is growing plants in the fog. The most efficient aeroponic mist provides roots with hydration, nutrients and oxygen it needs. AeroFarms have designed the system to eliminate clogging the nozzle and reduce water consumption through re-circulation of nutrients.

Metode Kain

AeroFarms' has developed a media, proprietary fabric that can be reused. AeroFarms system uses cloth as a conveyor belt that moves from one end of the plant systems where they are seeded into the other end where they are harvested. The cloth has a number of benefits such as durability and can be reused, improving hygiene and sanitation, and harvest the products efficiently from dry and clean.

Metode Lampu LED putih

AeroFarms is pioneering the use of LED (light emitting diode) lighting system for commercial plant. There is great potential for the use of LEDs around cost reduction and increased yield. LEDs have a life expectancy 10 times greater than HPS lamps, yielding a total cost of ownership is lower. LEDs can also be designed in the form of linear and rectangular which allows complete uniformity of results, compared with HPS bulbs are not evenly distribute light for plants. Another advantage of LEDs is the ability to target a specific wavelength of light, enabling it to reduce energy consumption and improved nutrition. Finally, LEDs can be placed closer to plants than HPS lamps, allowing greater vertical pile-capacity modules.

Manajemen Hama Terpadu
Growing in a standard structure change and environmental pressures on pest insects. Plants grown in the machine in the building and not out in the open where they attract pests. Media fabric grow cleaned between each growth cycle 18-21 days. Most of the pest cycle more than 21 days that damage. Many other aspects of the design remain, including how to minimize exposure to pests and reproduction. By design AeroFarms resistant pests, pesticides are not needed. No special seed is needed, so free of pesticides and organic seeds can be used.

Metode Modularity

The size and configuration AeroFarms highly customized system. The system consists of modules, which serve as building blocks of a system that can be stacked vertically or mounted lengthwise. Modular approach allows flexibility of location, a higher yield per square foot, and faster installation time.


The animals of the world's

Gelada Baboon

Gelada Baboon is a monkey that is really impressive, with a huge mane and a flat face, unique and living in the mountains of Ethiopia where most of them eat grass. Usually they are known as a peaceful animal, but they have a 'weapon' with several sets of nature and the most frightening is the teeth. Although rare, they never attack humans at the zoo. This species has been known to be very wild and aggressive.

American Bison

With a weight that reaches a ton, this American bison is one of two giant-bodied herbivores that live in North America (the other is a moose) after the extinction of ice age. They hunted and endangered by human beings today. But thanks to legal protection they can still be found in national parks.
What most people do not know is bull is capable of killing tourists more than the power of bears and wolves! They usually will not attack unless you enter in 'personal space' they.


After the chimpanzees, gorillas are animals that are similar to ours, but of course there are big differences between them and us. A silver back gorilla is an adult male, usually the leader of the gorilla, which weighs 200 kilograms / sometimes even more, and has a strength of at least 10 adults. They are usually vegetarian and friendly, but adult males will not hesitate to attack any intruder who could pose a threat to his family. With 'senjata'nya a very large, very long arms, sharp canines, and able to live twice as fast as humans. When angry, a gorilla would be as scary as a large predator.


Cassowary is one of the largest bird in the world. They live in rain forests of Australia and New Guinea and was good at doing many things. For example, the symbol above their heads are hollow bird that is used to generate a call with a very low frequency to communicate with other cassowaries in the distance. These animals make it into the list because the Cassowary is the most deadly bird in the world, but in general they eat the fruit. But when disturbed, they will jump into the air with style kung-fu and kick the enemy with a long claw feet deep, straight and shaped like a dagger. They can easily disembowel a man with 'senjata'nya, which has been known to not only attack humans but wild dogs and even horses and cows!


There are five species of rhino in Africa and Asia and they are all big, tough, quick-tempered and potentially deadly. Their horns are made of hair, but they are still very dangerous that is used as a 'weapon'that can gore the enemy to death. Indian Rhinoceros also have sharp teeth and are known to bite as well. And of course, they can easily trample you under their body (with a weight of up to three tons). Basically, the way her life can be filled with remarkable speed.

Wild Boar

Wild boar is not completely vegetarian, they have been known to eat small animals such as insects, lizards and frogs (on occasion), and will not reject a good carcass. However, like any other pig species, they also consume the plants. Male weight of 300 kg (though rare, can be described weighing more than 1 ton) and has a large ivory sharp and can easily tear open the stomach with a predator. Adult male wild pigs are known to fend off the wolves without any assistance! Females have smaller tusks, but also still very dangerous, especially when they have a baby pig to be protected.

Cape Buffalo

Cape buffalo may look like a giant cow, but they are actually the most feared ground herbivores in Africa. Very easy to get angry, because the herbivorous animals that flourished in the country would be governed by powerful predators such as lions and hyenas, and thus they have no choice but to become a creature of his own difficulties. With a big body, sharp horns and nails become 'weapons' deadly serious, and they are one of the few animals that will come back down to help a "friend". If the buffalo were captured by a lion or wounded by hunters, there is a good chance that the rest of the herd attacker will charge to help their partners.


We are accustomed to seeing elephants as a peaceful animal, said even friendly. But they are actually the most dangerous wild creature. Elephants have killed more zookeepers than any other animal, and because of the size and weight of their power, they are very difficult to stop. Elephants will attack for several reasons; protect their babies, where they, or only when they are in a bad mood. Men also have the periodic condition known as musth, in which their hormone levels rise so much, then they went berserk attacking creature they see, including lions, rhinos, and people. Therefore, zoo and circus elephants are often avoided to maintain the male.

Jungle Pig

In the south, relative found collared peccary (better known in the U.S. as "javelina, white-lipped peccary ranges in the rain forests of Mexico, Central and South America. It has a very sharp canine teeth and sharpen each other every time the animal's mouth shut (like a pair of scissors ). They roam in herds of a very large, up to 500 or even 1000 individuals. Just as the Cape buffalo, if one group member was attacked or shot, the whole flock of attackers will retaliate. The only thing to do when attacked by a group of peccaries is climbing the tree as soon as possible, and in South America quite a few hunters missing body parts or even bitten to shreds when they are not able to climb quickly. Wild predators like the jaguar and the Cougars are creatures who are smart enough to avoid the herd. If attacked, only young peccaries or the weak to be separated from the others.


Hippos are the most dangerous animal of all herbivores in Africa, killing more people every year than lions, tigers and crocodiles.
Very territorial, the hippopotamus (especially males) can weigh three tons or more, and have been known to attack both on the water (even upside down kayak and canoe) and on land, where he can run very fast even though the fat visible. He has the largest and strongest jaws with the longest canine teeth of any mammal species, and can bite an adult crocodile.